Heaven Sent Read online
Page 10
Ali told La-La how he was chilling at the corner store when Kim and Gina walked up. He let Kim know that he thought it was fucked up how she turned to Tamar because of the little argument she had with Heaven and that’s when Kim went nuts, saying how she never liked Heaven and as of lately she’s not feeling La-La either. She began telling him things that she didn’t think he knew about La-La. Little did she know, he and La-La had no secrets; they told one another everything. Though he knew how they got down back in the days, he was shocked to find out about Heaven and Jamal.
“Those hos are lying. Heaven has never slept with that nigga,” La-La said, rolling her eyes. She wasn’t surprised that they would start spreading rumors about Heaven now that they were mad with her. That was some middle school shit!
“Man, I don’t know, La. You know how y’all used to rock so I wouldn’t put it pass her,” said Ali.
La-La rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Everybody has a past, nigga. But Heaven would have told me if she fucked that nigga. I’m about to call her.”
“I guess y’all not as close as you thought y’all were,” Ali laughed as she shot daggers at him.
He sat quietly about to listen to their conversation until his own phone began to ring. He looked at it and saw it was Zylen.
“What’s up, Zy?” he answered, looking at La-La.
Hearing Zylen’s name she motioned for Ali to zip his lips and not say shit to him about the false information he’d received. He winked at her, letting her know he wasn’t gonna say anything.
“Hell you doing, nigga?” Zylen asked.
“Shit, sitting at the house with wifey.”
“A’ight, ask her can you ride with me somewhere,” Zylen laughed.
“Nigga, you got me fucked up. That’s you that have to check in and shit. Don’t try me like that,” Ali said.
Zylen laughed “Whatever, nigga, I’m about to pull up and tell La I say hey,” he said before ending the call. Minutes later he was pulling up. Once Ali was inside they headed to the trap house to pick up money.
During their ride, Zylen told Ali what went down the other night between him and Tamar. Though Ali had just learned that Heaven might’ve fucked Zylen’s now enemy, he still wasn’t feeling Tamar or the fact that Zylen couldn’t stay away from her. Ali was Team Heaven all day.
“Nigga, you gonna end up getting yourself into some shit if you keep associating with that ho,” Ali let him know.
“Man, I know. I have to stay away from her ass. It’s like the bitch got a hold on me. I go over there to warn her to stay away from Heaven and the shit flips on my ass. It always ends with us kissing.”
Ali shook his head. He never saw his homeboy weak for a woman the way he was with Tamar. He knew Zylen loved Heaven but he couldn’t understand why it was so hard for him to stay away from Tamar.
“Bruh, I don’t know why you even communicating with her when she stole a hundred G’s from you,” said Ali.
“Man, I don’t either. It’s like I know I should be mad at her but I can’t. To be honest with you man, I think the bitch has a spell on me,” Zylen laughed.
Ali couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“I’m not gonna lie to you, bruh, I still have love for Ta, no doubt, and every time I’m at her crib and shit starts to jump off, I remember it’s Heaven that has my heart,” Zylen continued.
“Man, you need to just stay away from Tamar before it’s too late. One day shit gonna jump off and you’re not gonna be able to control it.”
Zylen just nodded his head up and down because he knew what Ali was saying was true. He couldn’t imagine living life without Heaven and Hydeia and didn’t want to try. Zylen knew if Heaven found out that he was even holding a phone conversation with Tamar, it was a wrap. The vibration of his phone ringing brought him out of his thoughts. He looked at the phone and frowned.
“Yo?” he answered as he cut his eyes at Ali.
“What in the hell are you doing?” Tamar asked with an attitude.
“Driving. What’s up?”
“You must be with your li’l fiancée.”
Zylen took a deep breath. “No, now what’s up? What the fuck do you want?” he asked with an attitude.
“You don’t have to get an attitude with me. Save that shit for your little fake ass fiancée.”
“Look, did you call me for that shit? Because I don’t wanna hear it,” Zylen said annoyed.
Ali looked over at Zylen and shook his head.
“No, but I know something you don’t know,” she sang and he could tell through her voice she was smiling.
“What? I wish you would get to the point and get the fuck off my line,” he roared through the phone. Zylen made up in his mind right then and there that he was gonna get his cell number changed.
“Why you didn’t tell me that you beat Jamal’s ass?” she asked.
Zylen took the phone from his ear and frowned then put it back. “Because it wasn’t any of your business.”
“Hmmm, was it because your girl fucked him?”
Zylen rubbed his face. “Man, what in the fuck is you talking about and where in the fuck is you getting your information from?”
Tamar gave an annoying laugh that pissed Zylen off more. “I’m talking about your little Heaven fucking your homeboy. I’m assuming you didn’t know.”
“Who in the fuck told you that bullshit?”
Ali looked at Zylen as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. He already knew it was Tamar that called Zylen but he only hoped Kim didn’t tell her about Heaven and Jamal.
“You don’t have to worry about all that. Just know that I know. I never known you to fuck behind your homeboys, Zy.” Tamar continued to laugh.
“I see you’ll say anything to get me to leave Heaven, because you think I’ll be with you, but guess what...that shit will never happen!”
“I honestly couldn’t care less if you want to be with me or not. I just thought you should know because I know that ho didn’t tell you,” she said, hanging up the phone.
Zylen took the phone from his ear and stared at it. “BITCH!” he yelled out.
“Bruh, that bitch just called and told me that Heaven fucked Jamal.”
Ali looked away and didn’t say anything.
“You knew that shit, Ali?” Zylen asked as he made a turn the opposite direction from the trap house.
“Man, I just found out right before you called. I ran into Kim and Gina and they told me. Well, more like Kim told me. I don’t believe that shit, though,” Ali said, not really sure what to believe.
“That bitch fucking lied to me when she said she never fucked anyone in the clique.” Zylen was beyond pissed.
“Man, just go home and ask her about it before you start believing Tamar and Kim’s lying asses,” Ali said to him.
Zylen didn’t say anything else as he pressed the accelerator harder to speed up his ride. All that was on his mind was getting home to go off in Heaven’s shit for making him look like a fool.
Heaven was highly pissed after learning Kim and Gina were spreading rumors about her. She didn’t know what would make them think she fucked Jamal, out of all people. Heaven knew she didn’t tell them what went down at her house when he took her home a few years back, so why would they possibly think that of all things. Kim and Gina knew a lot about Heaven so she would have rather them told something that was true instead of spreading a lie about her.
“I knew you were just like them hos.” Zylen came busting through the bedroom door like a mad man, bringing Heaven out her thoughts. “That’s why that fuck nigga was mad because you were pregnant? Is Hydeia mines or that nigga’s?” he continued to roar at Heaven as she stood in the middle of the bedroom.
SLAP! Heaven slapped him before she knew it.
“How dare you ask me some dumb ass shit like that? Don’t you ever question me about Hydeia again. You know damn well she’s yours!”
“I don’t know what to think. That nigga was hig
hly pissed when he found out you were pregnant and now I know why.”
Heaven just stared at him not saying anything. She couldn’t believe he was questioning her about their daughter, but not once did he ask her if she slept with Jamal. Finally she shook her head and begin to walk away.
“You’re an idiot, Zylen,” she said over her shoulder.
“Don’t fucking walk away from me, Heaven.” He followed her down the stairs. Still yelling at her about something that wasn’t true.
Ignoring him, Heaven went to their bar to make herself a drink. Because she wasn’t paying Zylen any attention it only mad him madder.
“You sitting up here talking down on Kim and Gina when you just as bad as them. You smashing homies just like them. Shit, all y’all hos, if you ask me!” Zylen was now in her face.
“Get the fuck out my face, Zylen,” Heaven finally said through clenched teeth.
He knew he hit a nerve by calling her a ho but he didn’t give a fuck. Zylen was pissed to the max and ready to lay hands on Heaven, and her ignoring him wasn’t making it any better. He just knew it was true that they slept together because she had yet to deny it.
“Fuck you, Heaven! I should have never started fucking with you in the first place. I should have kept ignoring you like I’d been doing. Who else in the clique have you smashed?” He asked looking her dead in the eyes, waiting on her to lie.
“Who told you I fucked Jamal, Zylen?” she asked a little too calmly as she sipped her drink.
Zylen slapped the glass out her hand and it went flying across the room.
“Don’t fucking worry about it. Just know I know,” he said.
Still calm, Heaven said, “I’m guessing since Kim and Tamar hang out now, Kim told her. Since Tamar want the dick so bad she can taste it, she told you. Now you come in here raising all types of hell at me, calling me out my name, and denying our daughter and shit. You know what’s funny about the whole situation, Zylen?”
Though Heaven seemed calm during the accusation, Zylen knew she was pissed to the max because she was constantly calling him by his government. She only did that when she was mad at him. He didn’t say anything as he stood over her huffing and puffing.
“The funny thing is, you running your mouth but not once did you ask have I fucked him.” Heaven stared him dead in the eyes.
He just stared at her back as she continued to speak.
“Yeah, you don’t have shit to say now, do you? You was so quick to believe everything this bitch said and ran with it. Did you ever think, just maybe they is saying that to break us up? But for you, Kim, Gina, Tamar, and whoever else that wanna believe that bullshit, I did not fuck Jamal. Yeah, he took me home one night after the club and thought he was gonna get some but I shot him down quick, fast, and in a hurry. I keep telling you I didn’t fuck any of those bum ass niggas in your clique. But since your bitch tells you I did, you believe it, so the hell with what I say, huh?” Heaven said, not as calmly as before. She was now standing, looking up in Zylen’s face.
Zylen still didn’t say anything because what Heaven was saying was true. He took what Tamar said and ran with it. He approached Heaven about some shit he heard from his ex and never once asked her was it true or not. Zylen felt like a complete asshole.
“Man, look I—” he started but was cut off. Once Heaven was pissed it was hard to shut her up.
“What, you was gonna start an argument so you can run to this bitch house again?” she asked, looking him dead it the eyes.
Zylen looked confused. “What you talking about?” he asked.
“Nigga, you know what the fuck I’m talking about, but since you wanna play dumb let me refresh your memory. The other night when we had that argument when I told you that someone was playing on my phone and you stormed out the house, because you were ‘that mad’ or so you let on…” She paused. “You ran straight to that bitch house!”
Zylen had a shocked expression, wondering how the fuck she knew that. He only told Ali and he knew Ali didn’t say anything and he knew damn well Tamar better not have ran her mouth to Kim or anyone.
“Nigga, don’t look so shock. I called you and your phone went to the voicemail only for it to dial me right back,” Heaven said. Now the tears were falling freely. “I heard it all, Zylen.”
Zylen couldn’t say shit. Busted wasn’t the word for his ass.
“So that’s how you doing it now, Zylen? You get mad at me and run to the next bitch?”
“Well if you heard the whole thing you would have heard me tell her I wasn’t going to fuck her,” he said defensively.
Heaven clapped her hands together. “I’m the luckiest bitch in the world. My nigga went to his EX house after we had an argument and tongued her down before realizing he has a fiancée at home,” she said sarcastically.
Zylen sucked his teeth. “Man Heaven, chill out!”
“Don’t ‘Man Heaven, chill out’ me. That’s all you have to say?”
Zylen was trying to explain his reason for going over to Tamar’s house but there was no way to sugarcoat it. He was busted and that was all there was to it.
“Just get the fuck out, Zylen!” Heaven screamed at the top of her lungs. “Since you feel the need to run to that bitch when we have an argument then take your ass to her now. I’m done!” she said as she began to walk away but he was right behind her. He tried to grab her arm but she snatched away. After attempting to try a couple more times but failing, he finally gave up and left with no destination in mind.
Chapter 16
Today must be my lucky day, Heaven thought as she whipped her car diagonally across the parking lot, blocking Kim’s car in, not caring if it was 10 o’clock at night. Heaven had been on a manhunt searching for the three women that were trying to ruin her relationship with the father of her child. She really wanted to beat Tamar’s ass but she’d settle for Kim right now. The only thing that was wrong was that she knew Kim and Gina always rolled together. Heaven knew more than likely they were gonna try to jump her, but it was what it was. She would worry about that later.
Heaven knew there was a possibility of running into, if not all three women, then at least Kim at the corner store that all the wannabe hustlers hung out at. Spotting Kim standing nearby with a bunch of guys surrounding her and Gina, Heaven approached her.
“So when did I fuck Jamal, Kim?” Heaven asked. Kim looked shocked before bursting out with laughter.
“Bitch, if you don’t get out my face with that shit,” Kim responded then turned around and continued talking to Fred and the rest of the crew.
“No, y’all running around here worrying about who I give my pussy to, so please tell me when I gave it to that nigga? One of y’all hos gonna tell me today!” Heaven said, looking from Kim to Gina.
Once again, Gina stood aside, not saying a word. Though she was closer to Kim than Heaven and La-La, she wasn’t feeling the way Kim had been acting lately, or how close she and Tamar had become since hers and Heaven confrontation. Though Gina lived for drama, she didn’t want any between her besties but she knew not to speak on it.
“First of all, bitch, ain’t nobody checking the miles on your pussy. If you fucked the nigga then you fucked the nigga. Don’t get mad at us because Zy found out and left your ass.”
“That’s what y’all hos would love to see, huh? I don’t know where y’all getting y’all information from but when speaking about me, y’all better speak the truth. I’m guessing y’all thought Zy was gonna leave me, but guess again, bitch,” Heaven said as she hauled back and punched the shit out of Kim. That’s when all hell broke loose.
Heaven and her once best friend begin fighting like two grown men. They’ve argued many times before but never was it that bad to fight. Heaven knew right then and there that their friendship was indeed over.
Zylen knew he’d hurt Heaven in the worst way just by still communicating with Tamar alone. To give her a little space for her to cool off he stayed at his stash house t
hat no one knew about. For the two days he was away he continued to call her day in and day out but she wouldn’t answer. He looked at his phone once again, seeing his homeboy Fred calling for the umpteenth time in less than five minutes. But if it wasn’t Heaven, Zylen didn’t want to talk. That’s how it had been for the past two days. Finally having enough, Zylen decided he’d let her have her space long enough, so he decided to just go home.
When he walked in the door he heard music playing from upstairs in his bedroom so he headed up there, taking the steps two at a time. Zylen checked in on his daughter but she wasn’t there so he went to the master bedroom to find Heaven laying on her side with her back to the door. He climbed on the huge king-sized bed and laid on his stomach. Startled, Heaven jumped and turned towards him. Seeing it was Zylen she turned back around to face the wall.
Zylen grabbed the remote to turn the radio off. “We need to talk, Heaven,” he said to her.
“About what, Zylen?” Heaven asked with an attitude.
“About us! I mean, I fucked up and I apologize for that. I was wrong for going over to Tamar’s crib and that shit will never happen again,” he admitted. Heaven turned on her back and stared up at the ceiling.
“How do I know the next time we get into an argument you won’t run to her or the next bitch, Zylen?”
“Because I’m telling you I’m not. I love you Heaven and I will never do anything to jeopardize our relationship again. These past couple of days have been hell without you, boo,” he said.
“You really hurt me, Zy,” she said calmly but still not looking his way.
Zylen grabbed her hand and kissed it. “I know baby and I’m sorry. I really fucked up that time but I guarantee you that shit will never happen again. I wanna earn my trust back. All I need is for you to forgive me,” he said. He knew she was still pissed but not as much because she was now calling Zy instead of Zylen.
Heaven finally turned to face Zylen and that’s when he noticed her swollen lip.