Unbreakable 2 Read online

Page 5

  I walked back over to him, knocked the controller out his hand, and tried to walk away but he locked his feet around mine and I fell dead on my face. I could have sworn I heard snickering.

  I laid there for a minute before getting up, walking up the stairs, and slamming the bedroom door behind me. Shortly after Ronny came up and I played sleep on his ass.

  Chapter 6

  One month later


  “So when you coming to see me Ma?” I asked my new friend. We had been talking for a little over a month now and I was really feeling her.

  “Um, I don’t know Bino. Hopefully it’ll be sooner than you think.”

  “I hope so. You got a nigga missing you and shit” I let her know.

  “Aww. I miss you too”

  We talked for a little while longer before she told me she would call me later. As soon as I hung up, my phone begin to ring. It was Ronny.

  “Yo?” I answered

  “Get yo ass up…Shan on that bullshit so we going to the strip club. I’ll be there in 15.” With that, Ronny hung up.

  Shit, I got out of the bed and searched my closet for something to wear. I rushed and took a quick shower. Just as I grabbed my white snapback, Ronny was outside blowing the horn like he was crazy.

  “Yo what the fuck?” I asked climbing into his Tahoe. “I live in apartments my nigga, not a damn house.”

  “Shut the hell up bitching nigga,” he said passing me the blunt.

  “Why the fuck you getting out the house this late for?” I asked shooting my baby girl a text letting her know I was heading out and I would talk to her in the morning. She texted back… “Okay, I love you!” I smiled.

  “I told you Shan’s ass is tripping. She been tripping hard for the past month or so. Her crazy ass is happy one minute then sad and mad the next...I can’t deal,” he said shaking his head. “What got you over there all smiles?”

  I turned to my nigga and just smiled. I felt like a bitch.

  We walked inside the club and instantly hoes were throwing pussy at us. I spotted Vic sitting at one of the tables with Eric. “Yo man, look at yo boy Vic over there,” I said to Ronny over the music.

  He looked to where I was pointing and smiled. “Let’s see if this pussy grew some balls,” he said walking over to the table. This nigga is doing some bold shit considering the fact that he had just pulled a gun out on Vic’s ass.

  “What’s good nigga?” he said dapping Eric up. He then looked at Vic, smiled, and winked before turning to walk away. But before he took his first step, Vic called his name. He turned around and the two men had a stare down with Ronny smiling arrogantly.

  “Don’t you think it’s time for us to squash this beef? I mean we’re two grown ass men,” Vic spoke.

  Ronny held both hands in the air. “I don’t have beef… I’m Gucci on my end bruh.”

  Vic got up and walked towards Ronny. “Man we’re brothers and you know if I knew anything about who raped Shan I would tell you. Hell, even though her lil ass and I don’t see eye to eye I would still go kill the nigga my damn self. Just out of love and respect, I have for you. I mean we’re brothers my nigga, so you know out of all people I would never hold that kind of information from you.”

  Ronny stared at him for a second. “I guess you right bruh. A nigga was just stressed and tripping hard man,” he said and the two men hit hands and brotherly hug. I personally still didn’t trust that nigga.

  “Now that’s out of the way let’s get a few of these bad bitches and go to VIP,” Eric said throwing his arms around both of their necks and we did just that. Everyone was chilling and having a good time with some of the baddest bitches up in VIP chilling with us.


  “MMMM…right there daddy…yes baby, that’s my spot.”

  “You like that shit?” his deep voice whispered in my ear.

  “You know I do baby… go deeper daddy,” I moaned and arched my back. There I was laying on my back with my legs spread in the air over Ronny’s shoulder as he dug deeper in my guts. Once we both exploded, we laid there in silence staring each other in the eyes.

  “I knew you would come to your senses sooner or later,” I finally said. He rolled off me to the other side of the bed.

  “Now what? You know your sister is going to kill the both of us if she ever finds out.”

  I stared him in those pretty green eyes that would make any bitch melt and said, “She’s not going to find out.” I straddled him and kissed his lips. “It’s our secret.”

  He looked up at me and smiled while he smacked my ass and I gave him the ride of his life.


  I heard the cars behind me blowing their horn. I looked up and sawthe light I had been sitting at was now on green. I shook my head as I pulled off. Lately I’d been fantasizing about Ronny and the shit was driving me crazy. I just knew he would give in sooner or later. See, Ronny is not the faithful type. Being with one woman wasn’t in him, he would put on a good act for a few weeks or months but then he would let temptation get the best of him, once again.

  I pulled up to my house and noticed Cornell’s car in the driveway. I looked at the time on my phone and saw he wasn’t due home from work for another four hours. I walked in the house and saw him sitting on the couch.

  “Hey bae, what you doing home so early for?” I asked taking off my shoes and walking to the bathroom without waiting for a response. I had to pee badly. I heard him yell out something but I didn’t quite understand what he said. I walked back to the living room.

  “What you say Nell?” I asked sitting on the couch that was facing him.

  He dropped his head. “I said I lost my job,” he said sadly.

  “How the fuck did you lose your job Nell?” I was pissed. I hope he didn’t think I was about to get a job. I worked in the beginning of our relationship then he wanted me to quit, so I did.

  “They were laying people off and I just so happened to be one of the ones.”

  “So what are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do for money?”

  “It’s not the end of the world Star, we’ll make it. You just going to have to cut back on some shit. You know, stop spending so much damn money,” he said but before I could respond my phone started to ring playing “Down Low” by R. Kelly. I quickly looked at Nell as he stared at me. I sent the caller to voicemail and turned my phone off.

  “Who the fuck was that?” he asked angrily.


  “Obviously it was somebody… who the fuck you keeping in on the down low with?”

  “Nell it’s just a song… don’t trip,” I said with an attitude getting off the couch and storming to the bedroom with him right behind me. He grabbed me by my arm spinning me around.

  “I asked you who the fuck was that Star.”

  “And I told you NOBODY!” I shouted.

  “Keep playing these fucking games if you want to Star. You gonna find your ass laid out some fucking where… think I’m playing if you want too.” He mushed me so hard I almost fell on my ass. With that, he was out of the room and seconds later, I heard the front door slamming.

  I shook my head and laid down. I knew Nell’s ass was all talk and wasn’t about that life.


  I eased out of bed quietly, trying not to wake Ronny up but little did I know he was already awake.

  “Where you going?” he asked in a deepraspy voice.

  “To put on some clothes.”

  “Why? Where you going this early?” He raised up to look at me.

  Damn why is he being so damn nosey.

  “I have a doctor’s appointment. So I hope you don’t have any plans because I need you to stay and watch the kids.”

  “Nope we’re going too,” he said getting out of the bed.

  I stood there eyeing him hard with a frown. Since when he start wanting to go to the doctor with me if I wasn’t pregnant. Really?

  “For what Ronny?”

  He stoppe
d doing what he was doing and eyed me suspiciously. “What, we can’t go with you?”

  “I didn’t say that Ronny… you know what, never mind,” I said walking in the bathroom shutting the door behind me. Shit, if I wanted him to go then I would have asked him did he want to.

  When I walked out Ray’Shun was already dressed and I only had to dress Shaniyah and myself. Once everyone was ready we headed out the door and 30 minutes later, we were pulling up to the doctor’s office. I grabbed Shaniyah and Ronny got Ray’Shun out.

  After checking in, I walked back over to where Ronny was sitting. I hoped he didn’t think he was going back there with me.

  “What you doing?” I asked because something on his phone had his attention.

  “Nothing,” he said and put the phone back in his pocket. I rolled my eyes because I had a feeling he was up to his old tricks again. I knew what he did for a living but lately his phone would go off and sometimes he would text back and sometime he would just look at it and put it back in his pocket. The other night he didn’t even come home at all, I didn’t know what that was about but he better not let me find out.

  “Shaniqua Holmes,” the nurse called my name.

  I quickly gave Ronny Shaniyah and got up. I heard my baby girl crying for me but I kept walking.

  After Dr. Copeland told me everything was good with me, I walked back out to the waiting room to find Ronny and the kids not sitting in there anymore. I walked outside and over to the truck and got in. Ronny was on the phone. “I’ll hit you back man,” he said before disconnecting the call.

  “Oh don’t rush off the phone because I got in.”

  He smacked his lips. “Man don’t start that shit… I have to stop at Vic’s house and holla at him for a minute,” he said pulling off.

  I didn’t say anything, I just laid my head back and closed my eyes. I had too much shit on my mind to be worried about his ass. When we pulled up to Vic’s house, him, Trish and that bitch Nikki was sitting outside while the kids were running around.

  Ronny looked over at me. “Don’t get out of the car Shaniqua… we have the kids and I don’t feel like breaking up no fight today.”

  I folded my arms and rolled my eyes. “You better hurry up then.”

  He walked up to the porch and dapped Vic up and they headed in the house leaving Trish and Nikki sitting on the porch.

  “Mommy can I get out and play,” Ray’Shun asked

  “No baby, Daddy’s not gonna be in there long,” I said still eyeing the porch making sure Ronny’s ass wasn’t trying to pull a fast one on me. Shaniyah had started whining so I told Ray’Shun to give her, her cup.

  I saw Ronny walk out of the house and he didn’t even look Nikki or Trish’s way. He walked to the car with Vic right behind him. “Da fuck he coming out here for?” I said out loud.

  “Who Mama?” Ray’Shun asked.

  I chuckled. “Nobody baby.”

  Ronny opened the back door and Vic stuck his head in. “Hey Shan,” he said and I waved. He then looked over at Ray’Shun. “What’s up man? You getting big,” he said and dapped him up.

  “Yep… I want to play with Jr,” Ray’Shun said referring to Vic’s five-year-old son Victor Jr.

  “Well you have to ask your mom and dad,” Vic said as Ronny went around and got Shaniyah out her car seat so Vic could see her. This would be his first time seeing her and she was a year old now.

  “Damn man she looks just like yo ass,” he said. “Where in the hell did she get those gray eyes from?”

  Ronny smiled like the proud father he was. “You know pretty eyes and good looks run through my family nigga. Don’t act like you don’t know that shit,” he said boastfully. I couldn’t help but shake my head at his conceited ass.

  “Whatever man. She is gorgeous though,” Vic said handing her back to Ronny and he put her back in her car seat.

  They walked around the truck to the driver’s side and after whispering about something, Ronny got in. “Damn do that bitch live there?” I asked as we were backing out of the driveway.

  Ronny laughed, “Naw, but it seems like it though.”

  “She fucking one of them. That hoe ain’t hanging around there like that for nothing.”

  “Yeah, she fucking Vic. That’s what we were just talking about. He was telling me that Trish suspects something.”

  I covered my mouth and hit Ronny playfully on the arm. “Shut up… you lying!” To be honest I wasn’t shocked, that’s how hoes were. That’s why I didn’t hang around hoes like that.

  “Dead ass… I went over there one day and that nigga came to the door breathing hard and shit. I knew Trish wasn’t there because I didn’t see her car, but he cracked the door before opening it all the way and there she sat on the couch trying to fix her clothes and shit,” Ronny laughed as if the shit was really funny.

  “Well damn. That’s fucked up!”

  “That nigga was trying to explain to me. But I told his ass long as it ain’t you he’s fucking then he don’t owe me shit.”

  “That’s right. But I guess he did that because she was once your boo thang.”

  “That bitch wasn’t shit to me but a jump-off” he then looked over at me and slapped my thigh. “You my only boo thang,” he winked.

  I crossed my legs to keep the juices from flowing. Lord that man was so sexy and I had a weak spot for him.

  “See that shit? That’s exactly why I don’t fuck with hoes right there. Them hoes grubby.”

  “You cool with Brooke?”

  “I said I don’t fuck with hoes! I fuck with BITCHES… BAD BITCHES that is!” I said smiling. “But for real. I fuck with Brooke and all but, I wouldn’t let her be around you 24/7 like that. That’s a no-go right there. Hell Star might be the only female I would trust around you like that, and that’s because she’s my sister so I know she wouldn’t try no slick shit.”

  “I don’t want to be around her lil ass. I don’t even want my brother around her,” Ronny said never taking his eyes off the road.

  “Why not?” I turned towards him in my seat because lately he’d been making little slick comments about my sister and I wasn’t feeling that shit at all.

  “I just don’t…I been hearing shit about her ass anyways.”

  “Like?” I folded my arms underneath my breasts. He was really pissing me the fuck off.

  He looked in the review mirror at Ray’Shun but he was into his game and wasn’tpaying us any attention. “She been running around here bumping coochie with some girl named Drea she claims to be her best friend.”

  My mouth flew open.


  I didn’t tell Shan how I really knew about her little sister fucking around with Drea. I was trying to spare her feelings. I knew she would go over to Star’s house and beat the shit out of her. Hell, she probably would kill that girl. I wanted to tell her about the bullshit Star has been on but I knew how close they were and I wasn’t trying to come in between that. But, why should I even care if Star didn’t. I could tell my brother but he loved that damn girl so much and she had his nose wide open that he probably wouldn’t believe me anyways. The truth will come out eventually!

  I felt bad for spilling the beans and saw so much hurt in Shan’s eyes when she found out her sister was bumping coochie but oh well she needed to know. I knew it wasn’t my place to tell her but I just had to. I was tired of Shan’s ass walking around thinking Star was innocent when she wasn’t. Since I wasn’t telling her about Star hitting on me then I was letting her know about Star bumping coochie.

  We were lying in bed cuddling after one of our love sessions. I was surprised she even let a nigga hit. She haven’t let me fuck since that night she came home from the club with Brooke and woke me up with my dick in her mouth. That was almost two months ago. I didn’t know what kind of point she was trying to prove by not giving a nigga no pussy but the shit was pissing me off. She wanted me to be faithful to her ass but didn’t want to give it up. Now if I get it from somewhere else she wo
uld think a nigga dead wrong.

  “Bae, I want to go visit my dad this weekend,” I said to her.

  “Okay, we can do that.”

  “I think I’m gonna try to get him to come back this way for a week or two.”

  She turned to face me, “You think that’ll be okay with your mom?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not going to tell her.”

  “I don’t know baby… Maybe you need to run it by her first.”

  “It’s not like he’s going to have to stay with her. He gonna be here with us.”

  “Okay cool,” was all Shan said before telling me she loved me then kissed me on the lips and closed her eyes.

  I kissed her forehead. “I love you too,” I said then closed my eyes as well, and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 7


  It was Friday and we were headed to my parents’ house to drop the kids off before we went to Jersey to visit Ronny’s grandmother and father. Since we were planning on bringing Daddy Willie back, we decided to leave the kids. We pulled up to my parents’ house, I got Shaniyah out, and Ronny let Ray’Shun out and grabbed the car seats while I took the kids inside.

  “Hey Ma,” I said handing her Shaniyah.

  “Hey baby,” she said and hugged her grandkids.

  “They already ate breakfast so don’t let Ray’Shun lie to you and say they haven’t, you know how greedy he is.” He was always lying having people thinking he hadn’t eaten all day.

  “Hey Dad.” I walked over to him and hugged and kissed his cheek.

  “Hey beautiful,” he replied.

  Ronny walked in. “Good morning,” he spoke. My dad spoke back, my mom gave him a dry ‘Morning’, and I shook my head.

  “Okay we’re leaving.” After Ronny and I kissed the kids, we was out the door.

  Seven hours later we were pulling up in Grandma Thelma’s driveway with her and Daddy Willie sitting on the front porch. Ronny called them when we were in route. Daddy Willie met us at the car.

  “What’s up my nigga?” he said as him and Ronny hit hands and brotherly hugged.